Tuesday, May 28, 2024

Peace On Earth #64

Hello friends.  Still playing along with the Peace On Earth Christmas Challenge so I can stay ahead with my Christmas card stash and not be scrambling come December!  They have a beautiful mood board all in blues this time that was perfect for a SU! set I had just gotten.  Take a look...

 Isn't that such a pretty mood board?!  I was totally inspired by all the BLUE and came up with 2 very simple cards using SU!'s Marvelous Nature stamp set, which isn't a Christmas set at all!  Here's my first card...

 I stamped this fern image from the Marvelous Nature set in shades of blue (Boho Blue, Misty Moonlight, & Night of Navy) to give a gradient look and also a frosty look.  I cut out the image using Penny Black's Stitched Square & Circles dies before adhering to a square panel in Boho Blue and a white card base.

 My Peace sentiment is from Gina K and was cut from silver card stock along with a couple cut from white for a little dimension and then glued over the center of the icy fern.  Simple but definitely says Christmas to me!

 Now I have to be honest about this 2nd card...when I bought this set, I thought the birds were Doves and thought it would be perfect for Christmas.  Once the stamp set arrived and I looked more closely, I began to doubt they were Doves.  I thought maybe Owls then, but now I'm not even sure about that!  All I do know is that I wanted it to look like a Christmas card!  So I inked it up the same way I did the first card with the gradient shades of blue, and then used The Greetery's Nordic Frame Dies to cut out the white stamped and blue layers and then attaching to a white card base.

I did spray the white stamped layer with some Sheer Shimmer Mist spray, so it gives a cool, misty shimmer to the card.  My sentiment and circle die cut are both from SU!'s Brightest Glow stamp and die set.  

So what do you think??  Did I manage to make a nature set look like Christmas??  I think I did, but maybe I'm a little biased!  Haha!!  Anyway, check out all the FABULOUS BLUE cards from the DT right HERE and then play along.  This challenge is open till Thursday, May 30th @ 8:00PM

Thanks for stopping by today ... I love it when you do!


I Card Everyone said...

Marcia, I think you've managed to let [Heaven &] Nature sing, my friend! Two beautiful blue Christmas cards!
[now I'm no expert, but by the look of their tails, I'd bet on some type of Swallow - like those we have nesting at the moment!]

Birgit said...

I vote YES! You did manage to create two beautiful Christmas cards using nature sets. The Nordic frames are perfect for both of these lovely creations!

Darlene said...

Oh Marcia ... these are both simply gorgeous! LOVE that first card design! You are so talented!!! Thanks so much for joining in the fun at our Peace On Earth challenge! Good Luck and we hope you’ll come back often.

Co-Owner … Can You Handle the Pressure, Double D, Four Seasons, Peace On Earth, Stencil Fun, Simply Clean & Simple, Two Old Bats, Triple B, Word Power

Cat Craig said...

Beautifully done, Marcia. And the SU and Greetery diecuts work well together.

Bonnie said...

Two pretty Christmas cards in blue, Marcia! I love that fern and how you've framed it! I think the birds might be swallows with that forked tail. They may not be doves, but the Good Lord made them all.

Leslie Miller said...

OMGoodness, I do love ferns, and this one is especially lovely! I'll have to look up the set, considering I also love birds on cards. I believe they're Swallows, but there's no reason they can't be on a Christmas card, and they do exude joy. You accomplished your goal beautifully, Marcia!

Lisa Elton said...

Yes, you did manage it and your did it quite well! These are both just as pretty as they can be, Marcia!

Bobby said...

I think you did a fantastic job using your nature stamps for Christmas cards, Marcia. I hope you made more than one of each while you were at it. It sounds like it's unanimous that those birds are swallows but they work.

TK said...

Forked tail is a dead giveaway BUT both cards are absolutely gorgeous in your gradient technique, so they're winners! Love them both, regardless of the bird they are... and there's NO bias from me 😊

Loll said...

Two amazing cards using your new stamps, Marcia. LOVE the combination of the shades of blue with white and silver. Perfect for Christmas cards. And I love the gradient colours in your background. Great work, my friend! xx